The topic of this post is sea lions. Their are only 17 types of sea lions and, the most common type is the California sea lion. An adult male sea lion can weigh 800-1,000 pounds and can grow up to 9-10 feet long. Female sea lions can weigh 200-250 pounds and can grow up to 6-7 feet long. A sea lion's life span is 25-35 years in captivity and 10-15 years in the wild. Sea lions are carnivores and their diet consists of fish but they can also eat squid, herring, mackerel, and sardines. Their sharp teeth are used for capturing prey because they often swallow the fish they catch whole instead of chewing them. Sea lions can also swim up to speeds of 11-24 miles per hour and are able to stay underwater for 10-15 minutes, they can also swim to depths of 1,300 feet. The sea lions natural predators are killer whales, sharks, sea polar bear, coyotes and, wolves. Sea lions are most commonly found on the Galapagos islands. They are endangered because of plastics, pollutants, oil spills, and drift nets. Overall, sea lions are fascinating creatures but are becoming extinct due to a number of environmental factors and pollutants.

-Until next time
KP Green
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