Hey guys, today's topic is the red panda. These animals, similar to a raccoon, are about 42 inches long and weigh between 7-14 pounds. They are equipped with red and white fur that is ideal for them to blend in with the red moss that grows in their natural habitat. Red pandas use their long bushy tails to hang on to trees. They live in cool temperate bamboo forests in Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, provinces in China, foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal and Bhutan, and in northern Myanmar. Red pandas eat bamboo leaves, fresh shoots, berries, blossoms, and bird eggs. The young stay with their mother for 90 days and, they reach adulthood after 12 months and after they leave their mothers they live in solitude. Their population is marked as vulnerable because, they are often caught in traps that are meant for wild pigs and deer. They are also killed for their distinctive pelts which, is why poachers illegally hunt these extraordinary creatures. Their habitats are also slowly disappearing which, is also why the population of red panda is slowly declining.

-Until next time
KP Green
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