Sunday, April 27, 2014

South China Tiger

The South China tiger is on the endangered species list and, the population is on a steady decline. There was an estimate 4,000 individuals in the early 1950's. These beautiful creatures are on the critically endangered list because, they are believed to be extinct in the wild. The South China tiger is one of the smaller subspecies of the tigers native to the forests of southern China.
Like other species of tigers, the South China tiger is a strong, capable swimmer and, are able to catch prey when it is in the water. The South China tiger is a dominant and carnivorous predator that stalks it's prey until it is caught off guard. South China tiger primarily hunt deer, wild boars, cattle, and goats. In it's environment the tiger has no natural predator yet, humans hunt and kill many of them. The female South China tiger can give birth to up to 5 cubs after a pregnancy of 3 to 4 months. The new born cubs weighs around 2 pounds and, are born blind and helpless. After 2 months the cubs are introduced to meat. The cubs depend on their mother for the first 18 months of their lives. Deforestation, poachers, and hunters have made the population of South China tigers dwindle. In 1979 China outlawed tiger hunting, then in 1995 the species was placed on the endangered species list.

For more on the South China tiger:

                                                      Until next time- KP Green    

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