Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Javan Rhinoceros

Hey Guys!
As the days go on, the number of Javan Rhinoceros in the wild is decreasing. Rapidly. Scientifically named, the Rhinoceros Sondaicus is the current most endangered rhino species in the world.  It belongs to the same genus as the Indian rhinoceros, and has similar skin which resembles armor. There are only about 40-60 animals left on the western tip of Java, which is an island in Indonesia. It is a water and swamp loving animal that only has one horn. It is mostly going extinct because, its horn contains excellent medicinal values which are highly used in Chinese folk medications. As of right now, one kilogram of its horn can be worth up to $30,000. Sadly, scientists don’t know if these rhinos will be able to reproduce quickly enough to stop their species from going into extinction even if it protected right now.

-A concerned Girl Scout


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